
With its intuitive interfaces and solid, dependable functionality, Norwix enterprise level software is second to none in the industrial printing systems arena.

A key strength is its ability to rapidly integrate into external industrial printing systems, from databases to other equipment on the packaging line.

All software is provided free of charge and is full supported for the life of the installation with ongoing upgrades and addition of new features.



Built on the original GUI software from Norwix, the Packaging focused software – Producer and Director – use two packages to keep design and management separated on a  production line.

Producer: Designs print job templates using familiar windows process. 

  • Powerful, Flexible, Template Creation
  • Template creation in minutes
  • Can be installed on any Windows PC

Director – manages and monitors the print jobs allowing user control of the print process.

  • Operator Friendly – Minimal Skill Level Requirements
  • Provides template storage, distribution and monitoring
  • Monitor and control up to 4 lines from one Operator Interface
  • Check ink levels and print head condition
Graphics and Mail

The GUI from Norwix has been a solid performer for many years, working effortlessly in the mail and graphics markets.

Designed to work with large databases and other lists to take in dynamic data and print constantly variable codes.


Software from Norwix allows you complete control of the print environment. Integration into data sources or even control of the printing by other machinery is fully supported. Full documentation is available at all times.

Static Data – all data contained within the print job

User Input – When user starts a job it will prompt them to enter data that will be printed in the job

SQL Pull – centralization of data, where the print template and fields are populated from server

XML Data Push – for fully automated packaging lines with centralized control of multiple parts of line. Data is pushed to Norwix software.

Dynamic Data Feed – data is received from external equipment, such as weighing scales and print template fields are populated.